I decided to roll my own Jekyll-based design system, here’s what happened.
There are a lot of really great styleguide methods, tools and examples out there… but, I struggled to find one that was:
Pattern Lab (by Brad Frost & Dave Olsen) is kind of seen as the gold-standard when it comes to documenting styles and patterns that follow some form of the atomic design approach - but I am not a big fan of PHP, and I found it super difficult to customize the interface.
This learning-curve, or lack of customize-ability was the case for many a tool I found listed on styleguides.io. While there are a lot of good ones out there, I always found myself looking for something that could be used with my current set-up, for me, that means Jekyll-based.
I decided that the following requirements would meet my needs:
I would love to know what other people think about style guide tools, what works for you? Drop me a comment below.